Using IoT Edge Gateway of Schildknecht AG enables transmitting data from the control unit into the cloud. Thanks to the eSIM card which is operable worldwide systems can be networked in all over the world.
Device Management Cloud The DATAEAGLE Portal can be used to manage all the deployed gateways, sensors and machines. It functions as a Device Cloud to programm the gateways, to pre-process the monitored data and to visualize the values. DEVICE MANAGEMENT…
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IoT Edge Gateway DATAEAGLE 7020
The DATAEAGLE 7020 is a compact gateway to log, process and transmitt signals from sensors. The sensors can be connected to 4 universal input ports. The sensors can be powered by the DATAEAGLE. It also has 1 floating switch contact…
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IoT Edge Gateway DATAEAGLE 7010 Extension
Sensor signals can now be reliably transmitted to the cloud by radio using DATAEAGLE 7000 series. DATAEAGLE 7010 measures and controls sensors. Analog and digital sensors can be connected to the univerals inputs. Adding to the versatility of the DATAEAGLE…
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IoT Edge Gateway DATAEAGLE 7010
Sensor signals can now be reliably transmitted to the cloud by radio using DATAEAGLE 7000 series. DATAEAGLE 7010 measures and controls sensors. Analog and digital sensors can be connected to the univerals inputs. Adding to the versatility of the DATAEAGLE…
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IoT Edge Gateway DATAEAGLE 7011
Sensor signals can now be reliably transmitted to the cloud by radio using DATAEAGLE 7000 series. DATAEAGLE 7010 measures and controls sensors. Analog and digital sensors can be connected to the univerals inputs. Adding to the versatility of the DATAEAGLE…
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IoT Edge Gateway DATAEAGLE 7012
Sensor signals can now be reliably transmitted to the cloud by radio using DATAEAGLE 7000 series. DATAEAGLE 7010 measures and controls sensors. Analog and digital sensors can be connected to the univerals inputs. Adding to the versatility of the DATAEAGLE…
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IoT Edge Gateway DATAEAGLE 7050
The IoT Edge Gateway DATAEAGLE 7050 is the optimal solution for analyzing data of machines in real-time, for remote maintenance, as well as for remote monitoring of systems for predicting component fatigue. This involves new business models for our customers…
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